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By Savanna Roberts

Tales of Nottingham, #1: Thief

 Science Fiction / 311 views / Popular


If there’s one thing an outlaw can’t resist, it’s a damsel in distress.

Marion’s life has been meticulously laid out for her – rise the ranks of society, marry the person her father chooses, and serve the Sheriff of Nottingham to the best of her abilities. But after a chance encounter with the outlaw Robin Hood, she begins to doubt her purpose.

The Sheriff gives her an ultimatum: go undercover to find Robin Hood and turn him in before the realms rebel or forfeit her father’s life. But the thief and his companions are not what she expects, and Marion begins to question her side in this fight.

In the first story in the Tales of Nottingham, Marion finds herself trapped between duty and love, where the choices she makes can destroy everything she cares about…or finally set her free.

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