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By Savannah Jezowski

When Ravens Fall Short Story: Trickster Rising

 Fantasy / 356 views / Popular


When Loki and his friends Tosk and Signe venture into Helheim, the young trickster finds himself pitted against a hungry giant, the queen of the dead, and his own deceptive nature. When tricksters collide, who will win? A When Ravens Fall short story for fans of Norse mythology and talking squirrels.

Snippet: “I feel like we’ve been down this road before,” Ratatosk complained, unwilling to give up the argument they’d been having ever since they began their journey that morning. It had been easy sneaking away from Odin’s keep since no one particularly cared what Loki was up to, as long as he got his chores done and didn’t brawl in the streets or play nasty tricks on people. “You saw how well it worked for you last time. We almost got eaten by a dragon,” Tosk continued. “A DRAGON. You know. Big scaly beastie? Lots of teeth?” He gnashed his teeth together to imitate aggressive chomping.

“I remember.” Around labored puffs, he wished for the hundredth time that he’d snuck away without the gossipy red squirrel to go on this quest. Tosk’s contributions, although animated and willingly offered, proved dubiously helpful. “Thanks for the reminder though.” His first attempt to reunite with his parents at the Well of Fate had nearly proven disastrous. He hadn’t realized then that the only way to find his dead parents was to enter the death-realm itself. Even the Sisters of the Well couldn’t help him.

But this time—this time he was older and wiser and had a better plan. This time, he’d find them.

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“This is a story to savor. Kandi J. Wyatt brings characters and settings into vivid life with exceptional skill. Epic fantasy lovers won’t want to

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