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By C.C. Urie

The Divine Courage Series, #3: Vanquisher

 Science Fiction / 196 views / Popular


Fleeing for their lives, Larken and Soren run to the only safe place left for them…

Larken finds herself torn between doing what is right and what is easy. She wants to do what Vallen always expected of her and what Maxim asks, but the voices in her head make it difficult to hear anything else.

Soren always expected to go through life alone, but Larken managed to turn his world upside down so completely that he’s not sure what he wants anymore. And when he decides, he can only hope that Larken feels the same way.

Taking up arms, the Faithfuls collide with the Vigilants, and the world is thrust into chaos and darkness. Only faith will see Larken and Soren through this war. The time has come to make a stand…whether they are ready or not.

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A sinister threat. A shocking betrayal. A single rose. Jan has poured her grief over her brother’s death into finishing his work—crippling the terrible system

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Two alien worlds. One teen emissary. No reality she can trust. Thirteen-year-old Liz Smith has been ripped away from one foster family after another for

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