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By Virginia Henderson

The Abundant Blessings Series #2: A Stolen Heart

 Christmas / 244 views / Popular


The Gables and the Hamlets are back, and their lives are busier than ever. Sophia Hamlet’s biggest fear comes to pass: an intruder in the mansion. She decides to bravely face her fears head-on and is rewarded with a surprising truth. Along the way, she encounters both betrayal and friendship.

Rachel’s past catches up with her when William pops an unexpected question. Life decisions will have to be made before her future can begin. After an unfortunate turn of events, Rachel is forced to reexamine her life and find out what’s most important.

Meanwhile, Peggy, Rachel’s ten-year-old daughter, is having problems of her own. Will she sacrifice her morals to fit in with the popular girls at school or do what she knows is right?

The Abundant Blessings Series:
Book 1- It’s Called Grace
Book 2- A Stolen Heart
Coming Soon: Peace, Be Still


Intrigue! Suspense! Three short, peculiar mysteries that will puzzle the mind and keep you guessing. Murder in Crestville, USA– When a death in a small

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