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By Nadine C. Keels

The Movement of Crowns

 Fantasy / 233 views / Popular

Movement of Crowns, Book One: the chronicle of an indomitable princess

Is it the perfect or the worst time for the kingdom to…change?

The nation of Diachona rejoices as the king’s daughter and heir, Constance, turns twenty. Yet, not everyone approves of Constance’s desire to sit on the National Council: a Council run solely by men.

What’s more, oppressive threats from a neighboring, powerful empire are rousing the people’s fears. Amid rumors of war and personal doubts about her future, Constance suspects that her growing love for one Commander Alexander may be ill-timed. Especially if this is the end of the kingdom as they know it…

World of Joy

A sweet small-town romance ’Tis her season to reclaim her name. Jhoi: She’s a community youth advocate and also a poet-turned-novelist. For her latest writerly

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