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By Nadine C. Keels

Crowns Legacy #1: Reviving the Commander

 Romance / 344 views / Popular


Crowns Legacy, Book One: a sweet later-in-life romance

She isn’t a beautiful young maiden hoping to erase the Commander’s memory. 

Opal Whilstead knows she has a reputation: a reputation as a bright, giving, upright woman—smiling and laughing her way through hopeless spinsterhood. It’s been so long since she’s had serious feelings for a man, but now she finds herself taken with the Commander Exemplar of Diachona’s army.

And she regrets it.

Not only is the Exemplar a widower still longing for his wife, but he’s the father of the reigning king. Even if a man of such prestige could find love again, he’d be unlikely to search for it among the kingdom’s old maids. Besides, Opal dreads being found, due to a grievous secret she carries…

World of Joy

A sweet small-town romance ’Tis her season to reclaim her name. Jhoi: She’s a community youth advocate and also a poet-turned-novelist. For her latest writerly

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