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By Lia London

Shook-up Shakespeare

 Romance / 461 views / Popular


For anyone who has ever read (or tried to read) a Shakespeare play and thought, “Good story, but could it be in modern English, please?” And… maybe less death?

This anthology contains three classic Shakespeare tales retold in modern high school settings. Each of the three novelettes features recognizable character and plot parallels and Easter egg quotes / paraphrases for those readers in-the-know. The stories also capture the central ideas without keeping all the murders, suicides, and sexism.

The Taming of the Shrew becomes The Taming of the SueShe’s not afraid of conflict. It’s falling in love that scares her.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet becomes Romy and JulesHe never planned to fall in love with his archrival’s little sister.
The Tragedy of MacBeth becomes MaxBethShe’s got more ambition than any couple needs.

No swearing, sex, or gory content. Happy endings all around.

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