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By Abigail Kay Harris

Seize the Love

 Romance / 315 views / Popular


Honoring the Love of the Savior

Agape. Eros. Philia. Storge

All forms of love… Seize the Love pulls readers into an anthology of stories all showing love. A love that honors God even as the reader flips the pages to find the story of a dying request, a random encounter, finding proof of God’s love, reunited siblings, caring for others, finding hope, love among the hard and easy, and more stories.

No matter the form of love, you’ll find stories sure to warm your heart, bring a smile or a tear, and hopefully remind you of the love of the One who created you.

Matthew 22:37

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Featuring various love stories sure to please the whole family.

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Sweet Latter-day Saint contemporary romance Merry McKinney has carved out a nice life for herself; established a solid reputation in the furniture restoration industry. Her

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