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By Erika Mathews

Everything: A Christmas Reminisce

 Christmas / 419 views / Popular


A Christmas reminisce ~ The old brown shoebox holds treasures both material and spiritual for a lonely grandmother reminiscing at Christmas time. Her children–now scattered–always reminded her “in ev-ee-sing give thanks,” but will she be able to give thanks for her deepest pain? And can a lonely Christmas prove a bigger blessing than she would have imagined?
This short tale is nostalgic and sweet – the perfect Christmas read.

Erika Mathews writes Christian living books, both fiction and non-fiction, that demonstrate the power of God through ordinary people, transforming daily life into His resting life. Her kingdom adventure novel series Truth from Taerna features spiritually challenging and refreshing adventure and unique Christian twists on cliched plots. She also writes Christian growth, historical fiction, poetry, devotionals, and more. She’s a homeschool graduate with a Bachelor’s in Communications, a Master’s in Biblical Ministries, and a passion for sharing Jesus Christ and His truth. Outside of writing, she spends time with her husband Josh, mothers her little ones, reads, edits, enjoys the great Minnesota outdoors, plays piano and violin, makes heroic ventures into minimalism, clean eating, and gardening, and uses the Oxford comma. You can connect with Erika at

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