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By Erika Mathews

Truth from Taerna #5: Memory’s Mind

 Fantasy / 226 views / Popular


Kingdom adventure fiction ~ Kingdoms both heavenly and earthly demand his mind.
No wonder he disappears for two hours each day.

Nothing escapes Kelton’s notice, and nothing leaves his memory. Yet behind his big brown eyes lurk a lifetime of soul-struggles. At nineteen, Kelton receives Adon Olam’s call to leave everything behind and seek Him in solitude upon a hill belonging to a local hermit. Somehow, the more he fixes his mind upon Adon Olam, the more it wanders. During his years with the hermit, countless lessons and revelations shape his character. Over time, the answer to his biggest dilemma becomes both more clear and more impossible.

Then the sudden death of co-king Daemien throws all Taerna into turmoil, and in the ensuing chaos, Kelton’s memories prove crucial and his hyper-analytical skills essential. But will his quiet, home-loving soul crumble under the pressure of public scrutiny? Will countless but seemingly harmless distractions inevitably win the battle for his thoughts? And will he ever feel like he knows Adon Olam?


Book five of six in Truth from Taerna, Memory’s Mind can be read as a standalone. It contains no magic, romance, or violence.


Praise for Memory’s Mind

“It’s been days since I finished this book, but I can’t stop thinking about it… In short, I loved it! The message and the character (particularly Kelton) struck a deep chord with me.” ~ Amazon reviewer

“I feel that Erika’s writing is a testament to her walk with the Lord. Her books minister God’s grace, love and peace. Honestly, so much peace. Yes, it’s the writing, but I also believe that it’s the Lord’s anointing of her words. There is a sweet simplicity to her stories–a wholesome earnestness that draws the reader into deeper fellowship with the Lord.” ~ Amazon reviewer


About Truth From Taerna

Truth from Taerna is a six-book kingdom adventure fiction series born from a heart to communicate the truths of God’s kingdom—the spiritual realm hidden from our physical senses—in an engaging story format. Each book focuses on an aspect of spiritual truth that today’s church often downplays.

Each book can be read as a standalone. Each book follows a sibling of the family as they learn and grow closer to Adon Olam (God). These books have no violence, no magic, no language, and minimal squeaky clean romance.

Promise’s Prayer: Kaelan and Carita learn the true importance and place of prayer in their quest to save the world.
Victory’s Voice: Book-loving Ellisia attends Academy and discovers the true power of spoken words in the spiritual realm.
Surrender’s Strength: Laelara discovers her true identity when a mix-up forces her to live a double life and come to the end of herself.
Sustainer’s Smile: Liliora makes peace with her past and discovers her future among the cradles of Taerna’s unwanted babies as her present reality meets tears, heartbreak, smiles, and the sustaining hand of Adon Olam.
Memory’s Mind: Quiet and analytical Kelton learns the importance of focusing his mind and meditating on the Word of Adon Olam as his skills prove crucial to Frydael despite his aversion to public scrutiny.
Romance’s Rest: Even in heartbreak, big-hearted, animal-loving Kethin discovers the true meaning of love—and covenant relationship with Adon Olam.

Fun series extras here




Erika Mathews writes Christian living books, both fiction and non-fiction, that demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God through ordinary people, transforming daily life into His resting life. She’s a homeschool graduate with a Bachelor’s in Communications, a Master’s in Biblical Ministries, and a passion for sharing Jesus Christ and His truth. Outside of writing, she spends time with her husband Josh, mothers her little ones, reads, edits, enjoys the great Minnesota outdoors, plays piano and violin, makes heroic ventures into minimalism, clean eating, and gardening, and uses the Oxford comma. You can connect with Erika at

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