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By Savannah Jezowski

When Ravens Fall, 1: When Ravens Fall

 Fantasy / 573 views / Popular


It is the age of dreams.

When Kenna, the raven, foresees a girl in the Mist, she believes she has finally found the one to break the curse. That has always been her mission, since the day her misguided anger cast the curse than engulfed both her and Odin’s son, Baldur, complicating what was already an impossible nightmare. But the girl she sees in the Mist is different than the others who have come for the Trials, than the others who have failed and returned home terrorized by their experience. This girl actually wants to be here.

Astrid, the dragon slayer’s daughter, has a plan of her own. She is not interested in dreams and curses. There is only one thing that she desires, and falling in love is not it. After all, some girls were never meant to fall in love.

Baldur, the bear, inherited the gift of dreams from his mother. His dreams are consumed with the one event in his future he cannot seem to escape: his death. For years, he and the Raven have tried to find a woman capable of loving him in spite of his monstrosity, and for years they have failed. The roses are dying and the sky burns red like fire. The times tell the tale of the end. And the end is always the Dragon.

This novella, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast cleverly woven together with Norse mythology, is a quick read that’s both engaging and gripping. The story will linger long after the book has concluded.

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A healing touch. A hideous face. A looming curse. As the ugly twin to a perfect sister, Princess Laidra lives her life in the shadows—until

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