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By P.D. Atkerson

Testing (of the Stars book 1)

 Science Fiction / 235 views / Popular

The world has been at war since before Max O’Brian was born. And he’s becoming a part of it, just like his brother. Max has waited a long time to join the Mind and Matter Academy, a training base designed for kids like him, with above-average abilities of speed, strength, and intellect. He’s passed all the testing to get this far, but a stubborn willed cadet may try him more than anything else.
From sabotage to an impending attack, and everything in-between, Max soon learns that if he and his newfound friends don’t pull together, they’ll have lost the war before they’ve even joined it. Even at a training base in the middle of nowhere, you can’t escape the war raging across the solar system.

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Two alien worlds. One teen emissary. No reality she can trust. Thirteen-year-old Liz Smith has been ripped away from one foster family after another for

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