Once Upon a Twisted Time, #4: The Snow Queen's Shattered Mirror
Fantasy / 337 views / Popular
She is left with a shattered mirror and a shattered kingdom.
The Snow Queen’s brother wrecked their land, and now she’s left to pick up the pieces. A boy named Kay gives her hope, but the hope is shattered when she realizes that the girl Girta follows him. How far will she go to dissuade her rival? Will a frozen apple solve everything?
Snow White and the Snow Queen entwine in a chilling story from the Snow Queen’s perspective.
- Listing ID: 5391
- Buy eBook: https://www.amazon.com/Snow-Queens-Shattered-Mirror-Twisted-ebook/dp/B0BRNRP9GK/
- Rating: Squeaky
- Author: Kendra E. Ardnek