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By Jessica C. Joiner

Dare to Trust

 Mystery / 313 views / Popular


When the word of a precocious street kid contradicts that of a decorated police officer, who do you believe?

Religion never held a high priority for Detective Phillip “Dare” Darren; so when he gets a tip about a brewing gang war, he’s determined to investigate on his own.  When a young informant points the finger at a fellow officer, Dare finds he may have taken on more than he bargained for.

Twelve-year-old JT knows nobody pays attention to him—a fact he uses to his advantage. The crimes he’s witnessed have already gotten one person killed, and the boy himself is next on the traitor’s hit list. Life on the streets has trained him the only one he can count on is God; but if he can’t learn to trust Dare as well, people will die.

When tragedy rips their lives apart, Dare’s self-reliance cracks, straining the tenuous bond between him and JT. Dare’s choice between God’s strength or his own could make the difference between stopping the traitor and letting him split the city wide open.

Trust is never easy. For Dare and JT it’s the only thing keeping them alive.

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