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By Megan Jacobs

Christmas at Candlelight Bay

 Christmas / 217 views / Popular

Christmas skiing with the Delacours in Colorado? It’s a dream come true!

When her boyfriend of two years surprises Mel with an invitation to join his well-heeled family on the slopes in Colorado, she can’t wait to finally meet them. And she secretly hopes he’ll pop the question.

But in the blink of an eye, a moment of inattention, Mel and her perfect Christmas fantasy lie broken on a New York sidewalk.

Her boyfriend, Tyler, sees her injury as an acceptable excuse to uninvite her, so she’s heading home to Candlelight Bay for Christmas with her chaotic family…and an unexpected chance encounter with an old flame.

A heartwarming clean romance with a dash of mystery, join Mel in Candlelight Bay where the spirit of a hometown Christmas could be just what she needs.

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