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By June McCrary Jacobs

Banjo & More Pet Stories for Children

 Contemporary / 346 views / Popular


This story collection was written for children ages 6 to 10, the stories cover important life lessons such as: Compassion, honesty, animal welfare, animal care, and kindness toward animals.

There are four stories in this collection:

Please note:  The first three stories are contemporary. ‘Penny Says Goodnight’ is set in the early 1940s.

  • ‘Banjo’
  • ‘Banjo Takes Charge’
  • ‘Jaimie’s Pet Care’
  • ‘Penny Says Goodnight’

Children will enjoy reading these stories again and again with their families. All of these stories are completely clean in language and content.

Check out my other story collection for children ages 6 to 10 on Kindle, ‘Carter’s Cookies & More Family Stories for Children’. This collection includes five stories about children and their families.

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