Tales of Faith, #3: Protecting the Poor
Historical Fiction / 413 views / Popular
Sheriff Feroci is now lord over the province, and Abtshire has become a pit of injustice. Being forced into the lord’s service does not give Dumphey as many opportunities to help the poor as he desires. When attempts on his life drive him into the forest, this freedom opens a world of possibilities for helping others. But how can he do so when he is running for his life? And does God want him to do more than simply feed the poor?
Noel has always hidden behind the shadow of his older brother, Dumphey. When life forces him to stand on his own, will he still follow God in the corrupt world in which he lives? Would God really call him to do something that is beyond his power to do?
As Lord Feroci’s sinister plot comes to light, each lad has a choice to make. A choice that could cost them their lives.
- Listing ID: 4734
- Buy eBook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S8YB55F
- Rating: All Ages
- Author: Amanda Tero