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By Capri Posey

Saving Each Other

 Romance / 221 views / Popular


A perfect job. A handsome pilot. A side of unexpected danger.

All Maria wanted was to pay off her student loans from dropping out of med school. Becoming a home health aide for the matriarch of the wealthy Mitchell family on their remote tropical island seems like the perfect answer. She just needs to quietly serve while the highly skilled Mitchells perform their daring search and rescue missions.

Brian hoped Maria would help his grandmother and care for the family homestead. But her selfless attention not only puts delicious food on the table—it wins his heart. Even though the Mitchells are guarded, he cannot help but reach out to the kind-hearted aid who only sings when she’s alone.

Then Maria is kidnapped by treacherous enemies who see her as the weak link in the Mitchell chain. And if they have their way, she’ll be the ultimate weapon against the family she’s come to love.

Can a woman who believes she’s nothing and a man who lives to help others save each other?

[This is a sweet/clean/wholesome romance with with a thriller/suspense subplot. Language includes one instance each of “damn” and “hell”, both uttered under extreme duress. There are some scary/tense/violent parts related to the thriller aspect. No sexual violence. Nothing beyond brief kissing.]

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