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By Kellyn Roth

Esther Ashton's New Dress: a short story

 Christmas / 240 views / Popular

Recently-orphaned Esther Ashton doesn’t expect much from Christmas with her brother away fighting in the South Pacific, her sister-in-law hospitalized with a new baby, and her job at the department store providing little to no profit. Will Esther have any sort of a Christmas or will it be another dud?

Esther Ashton’s New Dress, a Christmas short story, is sure to delight any fan of Christmas, the 1940s, and brevity.

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World of Joy

A sweet small-town romance ’Tis her season to reclaim her name. Jhoi: She’s a community youth advocate and also a poet-turned-novelist. For her latest writerly

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Even blissful marriage and the Christmas season don’t change the hard reality of the world … Three months into their marriage, Nikolai and Molly find

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