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By Pam Hillman

Calico Trails Romance, #1: Destination Christmas

 Historical Fiction / 329 views / Popular


At her aunt’s insistence, rancher’s daughter Katie Haversham reluctantly boards a train leaving The Dalles to be introduced into Portland society at Christmastime. Who knew she’d fall for Creed Browning, a cowboy more suited to her hopes and dreams than any she’d find in high society, long before she reaches her destination? An avalanche waylays the train, and while the passengers fight for survival in the snowed-in pass, Creed and Katie fall in love. But can they escape the disapproval of Katie’s aunt Matilda, or perhaps worse, the wealthy but selfish woman who wants to make Katie her daughter-in-law? And if Christmas arrives before the stranded passengers are rescued, can they manage to make the holiday a merry one?

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Travis Hamilton never expected to be a killer. One day he was studying to become a schoolteacher in the little western town of Spencervale, and

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